Sunday, February 14, 2010


                                                          google images

I have watched you
Silently appear
Under your pine tree
Day after day
You proudly show me
Your changes
Your steady progress
Toward becoming
Do you see
The change in me
Day after day
Do you notice
That I am
Becoming too

Friday, February 5, 2010

The River

The river is always changing
Its water and its song
From moment to moment
Through an honest conversation
With the season and its weather

I was welcomed here once
Beside the river bank
When summer flow
In the sunshine
Was just the way
I imagined it would be
The moment before I arrived

Now, I come upon the river again
This time, unthinking and unexpectant
I never imagined the river in flood
Before I reached it
My plan was to pass beyond it
But it has been raining hard
And the river is wild against its jagged bank
With water still rising as if angered

The river has forgotten its song
And the character of its river bed
Is buried under a grey sky torrent
Collected and channeled to the ocean
All in such a hurry
That in its rush, the river forgot to bring
Its own crystal melody of water over rock

Soil bitten from stream banks
Unheeded and unswallowed
Has choked and colored the water
Trees with roots and branches
Still in leaf
Are carried like lost children
Back home from a far off war
To a silent sea of loss

Monday, February 1, 2010

From a Boat

Artist:  Gary R Lucy
I like to float
On the water
In a summer boat
Just to see
This hillside
Where I struggle
On my hike
Beside the ocean
Every day

When I see
The hillside
From the cushioned ease
Of a summer boat
It helps me put
Where I have been
And where I am going
Into a new perspective
This worn trail
That I follow
Is hardly visible
From the water
And people
Seem to move
So slowly along it

I wonder why
People even walk it
It starts in the darkness
Of the woods
And it leads up
A bright and treeless hillside
To its lookout spot
At the very top
Where people on the hill can wave
To people in the boats
Who silently wave back
Each one able to see
The other more clearly
Than they see themselves